Thank Your Cleaner Day 2020

An OCS cleaning worker wearing a yellow protective suit with goggles and a mask.

Today marks 'Thank Your Cleaner Day' and, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has never been a more worthwhile celebration. Cleanliness and hygiene are vital for our welfare and key to reducing the risk of infection, making cleaning staff some of the heroes of our time!

On behalf of QAC, its management team and Governors, we would like to send our sincere thanks to all OCS staff for your exemplary support to the College. "Thank Your Cleaner Day" is helpful but we should thank you every day.

The cleaning team here at QAC are fantastic - such great colleagues and often friends too. They always go the extra mile for our staff and students. We all know what a hard year 2020 has been for so many people, but you have quietly got on with your vital work and kept the College clean and safe for everyone. Cleaning is such an essential service - and you do it really well!