Sport Students take part in Inclusive Futures Camp

Recently, a few of our Sport students travelled to Loughborough University, in order to take part in the Inclusive Futures Camp.

Sport students posing for a photo with Cheyanne Haye from Sport Birmingham

The camp is part of Lead Your Generation: Inclusive Futures - funded by Spirit of 2012 and delivered by Youth Sport Trust - a national leadership and volunteering initiative for young people aged 14-19, with and without disabilities, volunteering alongside each other to support and deliver physical activities in schools and communities.

The camp participants were joined by athlete mentors, who guided sport sessions and workshops to support the young volunteers in helping to continue to promote increasing participation, challenging perceptions and creating inclusive provisions in their home cities.

Sanjai with Basketball coach John

The six athletes who attended the camp are Paralympic medallists swimmer Kate Grey and Judo champion Ian Rose; Paralympic football player Alistair Patrick Heselton; Modern Pentathlete Olympic silver medallist Heather Fell; Olympic athlete Jeanette Kwakye; and Welsh Rugby player Philippa Tuttiet.

Zach with Paralympic Judo champion Ian Rose

So Well Done to QAC students Nathan, Sanjai and Zach for taking part in and leading sports activities throughout the day, with a special mention going to Sanjai, who received an award for "Creating opportunities to increase participation in physical activity and sport" after being selected from 130 young people across 9 UK cities!

Sanjai being presented with his award