QAC's "Dinner in the Dark" makes a return!

Last night, QAC's "Dinner in the Dark" event returned to The Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham, and what a great night it was! Welcoming guests to our first ‘in-person’ fundraising event in over 18 months felt amazing, and great fun was had by all.

Individuals wearing blindfolds sat around a table enjoying a meal at Dinner in the Dark 2021

The evening started with a welcome drink as guests mingled and wondered what the evening had in store for them. Blindfolds on, they were guided to their tables in the darkened dining room before they were served a delicious two course meal. Not as easy as it sounds when they had to navigate what was on the table and pour their own glasses of water and dessert toppings!

Once the meal was finished, a few blindfold ’games’ were in store as the guests enjoyed their coffees, before the blindfolds were raised and the lights came back on, revealing the stunning Horton Suite at the Macdonald Burlington hotel! Guests soon after realised that things were different to how they had imagined.

Another group of individuals sat enjoying a meal at Dinner in the Dark whilst wearing blindfolds

An auction featuring pieces of art created exclusively for the event by ex QAC student Beth, along with a prize draw, completed the evening.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event, and to the team at Macdonald Burlington for hosting the event and getting our festive fundraising off to a great start!