QAC Welcomes World Class Athlete Mentors

Groups of students from QAC will soon be mentored by two world class athletes. Anna Turney,
Paralympic and World Cup skier and Darren Harris, a two time Paralympian in Judo and Football will
be working with students over the next few months as part of two transformational programmes
facilitated by The Dame Kelly Holmes Trust.

Dame Kelly Holmes Trust Logo

This is the second year QAC has worked with the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust, an organisation that delivers transformational mentoring to help young people become empowered and develop the attitudes and behaviours needed to lead a positive life.

The On Track to Achieve and AQA Unlocking Potential programmes will help students develop a
range of skills including confidence , emotional resilience and teamwork whilst also encouraging
them to reflect on their aspirations for the future. 

Whilst both programmes will work with students identified as having low self-esteem, On Track to
Achieve will focus on those who face barriers to motivation and focus whilst AQA Unlocking Potential
will work with students who need encouragement to bring out their potential and raise their

Throughout the programmes students will work with athlete mentors from the Trust to identify and
achieve personal goals and targets as well as work as a team to design and take part in a social
action project that will make a positive impact in their community.

James Bajcer, Senior Programmes Operations Manager at The Dame Kelly Holmes Trust says ‘our
programmes are proven to have lasting impact – the short-term success achieved, such as achieving
in education, only represent the start of their journeys. It’s also about empowering young people to
lead a healthy lifestyle, contribute within their communities and take others with them on their

Bev Jessop, QAC’s Vice Principal – Academic, comments ‘This is the second time we have been
involved with the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust and have 24 students taking part. It’s an amazing
opportunity for them – and us – and we look forward to seeing the results!’