QAC Supported Intern achieves paid employment following successful work placement!

Queen Alexandra College Supported Intern, Brad, has been offered a paid job as bank staff with QAC Community Services.

Brad standing outside the Community Services Hub

Brad enjoyed a successful work placement with the Community Services team as part of his Supported Internship programme, delivered at the College's Pinewood Campus, and went on to successfully secure paid employment.

Brad commented: "This year has been absolutely amazing! I have had a really positive experience throughout, successfully developing the skills needed for employment.”  

On completion of his study programme at QAC's main campus in Harborne, Brad progressed onto the College's Supported Internship programme to develop the skills that he needed to navigate the world of work. The programme is designed to help prepare students for voluntary or paid employment and support is tailored to meet individual needs whilst providing valuable experience with an employer.

QAC offers a range of courses and opportunities designed to maximise life chances, develop independence and work skills. Located in nearby Woodgate Valley, the College's Pinewood Campus offers a high quality and exciting stepping stone into the world of work and is more business-like than educational in its feel. Pinewood is where specific QAC Employment Pathways programmes such as Supported Internships are delivered. 

As part of our 5-year strategy (2019-2024) QAC is developing a new range of services for young people with disabilities in the community. An exciting addition was the opening of the QAC Community Services Hub where Brad will be based, next door to the main College campus.  

Well done, Brad!