QAC Students take part in 2018 Natspec Games

QAC students recently took part in the annual Natspec games, this year taking place at the The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC).

QAC had competitors taking part in Football, Tennis, Boccia as well as Gym challenges against other colleges from around the country. All of our participants received medals for their efforts at the end of the event.

2 football players going head to head for the ball during the Natspec games

This year was the first time QAC had Tennis players representing the college at the games, with students Eve and Adam representing the college admirably.

QAC tennis players Eve and Adam practicing at the Natspec games

Students Auryn and Brandon flew the flag for QAC in the Boccia competition, with students Harry and Kyle taking part in the Gym challenges. Our Football team, comprising of students Josh, Will, Conrad, Dan, Luke, Ross and Alex, showed great endurance in the sunshine, as well as excellent teamwork and some individual brilliance to go on and win the competition, with an amazing score of 8-1 in the final!

QAC football players during a match at the Natspec games

Well Done to all who represented QAC so incredibly well!