QAC students assist Aston University research into Autism!

Queen Alexandra College students recently assisted researchers at Aston University with their case study looking into how the differences in sensory brainwaves of teenagers with autism can assist in earlier diagnosis!

The study "...focused on sensory areas of the brain because a substantial number of people with autism report issues with processing incoming sensory information, often suffering from hypersensitivity, meaning that bright lights, loud sounds or crowded situations can be overwhelming."

An animated image of a brain with various points on the brain being linked together by arrows

The research focused on teenagers (aged between 14-20) with and without a diagnosis of ASD, and because a large number of QAC students fall within the criteria of being between 16-20 and diagnosed with ASD, they were perfectly placed to be able to support this vital and groundbreaking research.

Our Support Services Manager Patrick Redmond was involved in coordinating our students' involvement in the research and also gave a radio interview to BBC WM regarding the research and the involvement of QAC students.

To read the research article, please click here!

For Patrick's radio interview, please click here and skip to 01:06:48.