QAC Patron Dave Heeley awarded OBE in the Queens's Birthday Honours List

QAC Patron and former student Dave Heeley, known as "Blind Dave", has been honoured for services to charitable fundraising in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list for 2020.

The HM Queen’s Birthday honours list recognises the achievements of a wide range of extraordinary people.

Dave Heeley running in a red QAC t-shirt

Dave gradually lost his sight throughout adulthood, but it spurred him on to more extreme fundraising efforts, raising £3m for various charities in the process.  

His endurance feats have included Escape from Alcatraz (considered by many the toughest annual triathlon in the world) and being the first blind person to complete seven marathons on seven continents in seven days as part of the seven-marathon challenge.

Ian Richards, QAC Chair of Governors, commented: “This award recognises Dave’s outstanding contribution for services to charitable fundraising and it is good to see that he has been rewarded for all he has done for so many people, the amazing achievements of endurance and raising much needed funds. As a patron Dave is a fabulous role model to our students who can see the success he has had through hard work and determination.”  

Everyone here at QAC is delighted for Dave on this thoroughly deserved honour, a truly wonderful achievement!