QAC hosts first Annual Student Showcase event

As an alternative to the college's Annual General Meeting, QAC this year decided to host a Student Showcase event, which aimed to celebrate the richness and diversity of our students’ talents. The event was filled with performances, both dance and musical, from a variety of different students and groups within college. The showcase was open to staff, parents/carers and other QAC stakeholders, all of whom thoroughly enjoyed experiencing the wealth of talent our students possess. 

A group of QAC students singing and dancing during the Student Showcase event

The event was introduced by QAC's Chair of Governors Ian Richards and closed by Principal and Chief Executive Bev Jessop, who provided an update on the College's current status and the progress of the 5 year plan to all who were present.

QAC Principal and Chief Executive Bev Jessop addressing all visitors at the end of the event

Well Done to all students and staff involved in the brilliant performances and thank you to all who attended the event!

Students signing and dancing during the Student Showcase event