QAC Friends and Families Day 2020 goes Virtual!

Students, staff and friends of QAC were invited to a special online event on the last day of term (Friday 10th June) to recognise the successes of our students and celebrate our leavers.

Unlike previous years, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, we were unable to host our Friends and Families Day celebrations in a large marquee on the sports field. However, we still wanted to acknowledge our students and leavers in some way and make the day memorable!

A special ‘Friends and Families Day’ video was created and uploaded to our College Facebook page to enable everyone to join and be part of the celebrations remotely. The video included words from QAC Principal Bev Jessop, Chair of Governors Ian Richards and a short recording for each student group delivered by their tutor reviewing student achievements and saying goodbye to our leavers. Two of our amazing Performing Arts students also closed proceedings with a heartfelt song.

You can access our special ‘Friends and Families Day’ video below:

The event was well received and enjoyed by all with lots of students and staff uploading and sharing photos of themselves participating and having fun remotely using the hashtag #QAC2020.

We continue to receive lots of lovely comments from students, their families and friends on our College Facebook page - have a safe and happy summer!