QAC Football team take second place in football tournament!

The QAC football team had the pleasure of representing the college last week at the Nick Taylor Memorial Gala Day Football Tournament, hosted by Heart of Birmingham Vocational College.

QAC football team smiling for a photo on the pitch

The students played 3 games against the surrounding SEND colleges; Walsall College, Heart of Birmingham Vocational College and Wolverhampton College. Overall the QAC football team came second after the three games. The results were;

Game 1: QAC 0 v 3 Walsall College

Game 2: QAC 3 v 0 Heart of Birmingham Vocational College

Game 3: QAC 1 v 1 Wolverhampton College

Football team celebrating and walking

The squad conducted themselves impeccably and represented the college in a respectful way throughout. They were an absolute credit to themselves and the college.

Well done to all the students involved.  It was a great way to raise money for the Tournament's chosen charity.