QAC attend National IF (Inclusive Futures) Camp

QAC Sport Students Luke, Nathan, Aaron, Richard and Kerri went to Loughborough University during the first weekend of the Easter holidays, 27th – 29th March 2015, to take part in the National Inclusive Futures Camp.

qac students and staff with paralympian kate grey

The Inclusive Future programme is a leadership and volunteering initiative for young people with special emphasis on inclusion. It is run by the Youth Sport Trust with support from the Spirit of 2012. The programme aims for young people with and without disabilities to work alongside each other to support and deliver physical activities in schools and communities. QAC students have been involved for a year and have volunteered at a number of events already.

The National IF (Inclusive Future) Camp allowed the young volunteers from eight UK major cities to meet and gain new skills to help them to deliver fully inclusive physical activity and sport opportunities that benefit and engage all young people in their own communities. All the IF volunteers had the opportunity to work closely with and learn from Paralympian’s such as Kate Grey (Swimming), Ian Rose (Judo), Adam Mould (Wheelchair Rugby) and Stephen Miller (Athletics) as well as hearing from Hannah Cockroft (Athletics) and Claire Harvey (Sitting Volleyball).

Our students worked closely with Birmingham’s IF Coordinator Chloe, pupils from Victoria School and Carmel, Hannah and Harry from other parts of the West Midlands to plan a number of inclusive physical activities they could deliver. QAC’s new Sports Hall featured heavily in their ideas! In groups they presented their ideas to a Dragon’s Den panel. The Dragons liked an idea from Kerri, Richard and Aaron so much they have given them £200 to put their idea into practice!