Performing Arts students take to the stage with an "Addams Family" rendition

Recently, our Performing Arts group performed their amazing rendition of "The Addams Family", with some brilliant singing, acting, dancing and stage design on show! The group performed to a live crowd of staff and other students, providing great experience of a real live show scenario and something the group can take with them and apply to their learning going forward.
The Performing Arts group pictured during their Addams Family performance
The group worked extremely hard to make sure the performance was a success, and the smallest details were considered to give the audience the best experience possible.
A close up image of some of the Performing Arts students mid performance
Well done to all involved!
Another close up image of some of the students mid performance
(Credit to QAC Creative Media student Harry for taking some brilliant photos of the performance, some of which can be seen in this post!)