Ofsted success for Queen Alexandra College

Staff and students at Queen Alexandra College (QAC) have been celebrating after we were rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted, the office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. The short inspection was carried out at the start of June 2016 and was the first inspection of the College since we were also rated as ‘Good’ in 2011.

 Two female students smile while looking at a book in the library

Effective safeguarding, outcomes for learners, quality of teaching, learning and assessment and effectiveness of leadership and management were all acknowledged by the Ofsted inspectors who commented, “The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the college since the previous inspection. The team understands what makes good teaching and learning, and has continued its strong focus on sustaining the quality of teaching, learning and assessment; as a result, most students make good or better progress from their starting point.”

 Male student smiles at the camera

We are delighted and really proud of the recent inspection report which represents the continued dedication, hard work and commitment shown by all staff to students here at QAC and indicates that the College is heading in the right direction to become outstanding overall.

 Female QAC student smiles while cleaning a kitchen work surface

Key findings in the report include:

  • Students make good progress from their starting points in managing their anxieties, maximising their abilities, cooperating with fellow students and communicating in speech, by signing or by eye-pointing.
  • Students’ progress well on vocational courses, on employment programmes, on preparation for life courses and on work placements.
  • All students make good progress in developing their communication skills.
  • Students progress very well after leaving the college, and many achieve the personal, social, employment and educational destinations they have identified as their goals.
  • The college meets the complex and diverse needs of its students well, providing programmes from pre-entry level to level 3.
  • The curriculum prepares students well for adulthood, independence and employment.
  • Students’ transitions into and out of college are well managed and sensitively handled by staff.
  • Work experience arrangements are very good. Most students attend a wide range of placements, carefully matched to their individual needs and abilities.
  • The majority of college staff plan very good, detailed and imaginative learning sessions with clear, measurable individual targets for each student, which help them to progress in small steps.

To download our latest Ofsted report, please click here