Natspec's new "Student Voice Parliament" launched at QAC!

The "Student Voice Parliament" has been launched by Natspec, the membership association for organisations which offer specialist provision for students with learning difficulties and disabilities, in partnership with the NUS.

The Parliament met for the first time here at QAC in Birmingham. Twenty student union representatives from 13 specialist colleges attended.

The parliament allows students who attend specialist colleges across the country to voice their opinions and raise any concerns they may have.

Rebecca, who is one of our students currently in her first year on our Creative Media course, was quoted in Natspec's press release as saying "There are so many widespread misconceptions about disability and those misconceptions  can have a direct impact on people with disabilities, such as being a barrier for someone getting a job. We struggle to get funding and those who make those decisions need to remember we are not numbers, we are individuals. People with disabilities can contribute to the community but they need the right education and training to take up those opportunities."

The official Natspec press release can be found here.