Money raised to send Revolution Advantage carbon fibre canes to Jamaica!

This week we had an order from Tony, Diabetes Ambassador and Activist, who had been raising money to buy a range of different sized canes and tips for people with sight loss in St Elizabeth, Jamaica.

Jen handing the cane order to Tony

Tony was contacted by Norris, the treasurer of the Lions Club of St. Elizabeth South, who started the campaign to register visually impaired with the Jamaica society and give them a white cane to assist their mobility.

Through generous donations, he was able to raise £1707 to put towards a cane order from QAC, working with Jenny in the marketing team.

Tony holding a cane

Tony said “This kind effort from others shows using a Jamaican phrase ‘Every Mickle Mek A Muckle’ and the altruism of donors is truly appreciated. Once again thank you all.”

Tony collected the canes order last week and they are now on their way to Jamaica!

QAC is the UK distributor of Revolution Advantage carbon fibre canes - used and acclaimed worldwide. These canes are lighter in weight and more durable than traditional aluminium canes.