Local Heroes


Picture of Nicky wearing face PPE (Mask, visor)

Umberslade Nurseries manager Nicky volunteers for Sandwell Council, delivering food and medication to the elderly and to those who are isolating because they have underlying health conditions.

She also supports her aunt and uncle who, due to health conditions, have been advised to isolate for 12 weeks.

She has set up a private Facebook group for the people who live on her road, which is a particularly long road on which not everybody knows one another. This allows people to request help, post good news stories, keep in touch with each other – especially after their Thursday evening applause for NHS/Care staff/Keyworkers. The group helps to promote community spirit and helps people realise that they are not alone. 

One of Nicky’s friends also produces PPE, which Nicky will be delivering to care homes in her local area. In addition to all this good work, she also sings with a virtual choir!

Amazing work Nicky!


Photo of Manisha and another lady holding donation boxes, both wearing face masks.

QAC staff member Manisha has been volunteering with the Elias Mattu Foundation in Wolverhampton.

She has been busy packing and delivering food parcels for people in the community who are vulnerable, elderly, or unable to leave their houses. Manisha has also been making one hundred visors as part of the service projects undertaken by Sri Sathya Sai International Organisation and delivered these to care homes in Wolverhampton.

In her spare time, Manisha also runs group spiritual meetings on Zoom to help people reflect inwards and find calm within during this difficult and chaotic time.

Having helped to organise a prayer session, over five hundred families participated online and she now helps others to hold their own sessions promoting wellbeing across the West Midlands.

Well done Manisha!