iCycle meets the Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility standard

QAC Enterprise, iCycle, was delighted to have recently received accreditation on meeting the Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility standard. To mark this iCycle received a certificate and letter of congratulations from Councillor Stewart Stacey, Cabinet Member for Commissioning, Contracting and Improvement.  

Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility logo

The Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility aims to boost the local economy through support to the local supply chain, creation of job opportunities and ensuring employees are paid a fair wage. The Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility is a set of guiding principles to which Birmingham City Council adhere to and also invites its contracted suppliers, the wider business community, other public sector bodies (including schools) and third sector organisations to adopt. 

Located at 115 Three Shires Oak Road in Bearwood, iCycle has been serving the cycling community of Birmingham, the West Midlands and further afield since 1978 when it was first set up as a cycle repair workshop. Since then it has grown into the thriving shop and workshops of the present time catering for everything to do with cycling.

Visit the iCycle web site