Free College Meals Update

We have been in touch with students / parents / guardians carers regarding eligibility for Free College Meals.  This update applies to you if we have told you that you are entitled to a free College meal.

For days that the College has been closed or we have not been able to offer a meal due to COVID restrictions, QAC's policy is to make a payment of £3.00 (the Government rate for Schools) per day in the place of a meal.  This is more than the rate for Colleges (£2.41 per day) but QAC has made the policy decision to meet the additional cost in these difficult times for everyone.

We are currently making payments for days that the College was closed, up to and including Friday 22 January 2021. 

We will make a further payment for the three-week period up to the start of February half term (i.e. from Monday 25 January- Friday 12 February 2021 inclusive - 15 days) on the same basis (i.e. where we have not been able to offer a meal to an eligible student).  We will aim to issue these payments in the course of next week (w/c 1 February) but will make some the week after.

If you have already contacted us about Free Meals this term, you don't need to do anything. We will make a payment automatically to your bank account.  If you have not contacted us yet and are in receipt of a Free College Meal, (i.e. QAC has confirmed this to you), please email with your name and other details.  The Finance Team will then reply to you to get further information.