Double Duke of Edinburgh success for QAC

Our Duke of Edinburgh manager Deborah Davies was given the opportunity to apply for funding of up to £500 from The Maria Marina Foundation, to go towards equipment required by our DofE group.

After careful consideration, it was decided that our DofE group required a tent large enough to accommodate a wheelchair user, which would be used by students for next year's DofE expedition! The DofE in partnership with the Maria Marina Foundation reviewed the application and kindly donated £200, which will cover a percentage of the cost of the tent. 

DofE donation cheque being presented to QAC staff

The donation cheque was presented to our DofE manager Deborah, as well as college Principal Hugh Williams, Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning Nicky Wojciechowski and DofE Co-Ordinator Meltem Naylor, by Jo Huck, Operations Manager for DofE.

At the same time, former college student and current volunteer, Zach, was presented with his bronze DofE award certificate, which he undertook and completed last year. Great achievement!

Former QAC student Zach receiving Bronze DofE Certificate

We'd like to extend our thanks to the Maria Marina Foundation as well as the DofE for the kind donation, and congratulations to Zach for receiving his Bronze DofE award. Well Done!