Dinner in the Dark 2022

We recently returned to The Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham to host this year’s Dinner in the Dark event.

Diners enjoy their meal while wearing blindfolds
We welcomed over 50 diners, including corporate friends, staff and members of the public, who enjoyed a welcome drink as they mingled and put their nerves at ease. After putting on their blindfolds, somewhat nervously, they were guided to their tables in the darkened dining room before they were served a delicious two course meal. Not as easy as it sounds when they had to navigate what was on the table to serve their own bread and butter, water and dessert toppings!

Once the meal was finished and before blindfolds came off, diners worked together to create play-doh lions on their tables, before lights were raised and people readjusted to the stunning Horton Suite whilst enjoying their teas and coffees. To round off the evening, diners bid on a range of sporting themed auction items to help raise more money.

Thank you to everyone who came along to the event, and to the team at Macdonald Burlington for helping us host the event. We’re already looking forward to coming back again next year.