Celebrating Volunteers' Week 2024

Volunteers' Week is the first week of June every year. It's a chance to recognise the fantastic contribution volunteers make to our College and say thank you!

Time to say thank you poster

We currently have a range of volunteers who offer their free time and skills to support the College, working in different areas and departments such as Maintenance, ABM Catering, Curriculum, Fundraising, Student Services and Community Services.

Along with these fantastic individuals, we also have the Board of Governors who volunteer their time and all bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives to benefit the QAC community.

A big 'thank you' to everyone who volunteers for QAC, we all appreciate the support our volunteers bring to the College and the work they put in to be here and help in any way they can!

Find out more about Volunteers' Week in this attached link.