Exhibitor Details

The Royal National College for the Blind

The Royal National College for the Blind (RNC) is the UK’s leading college offering further education and employment training for people with a visual impairment.

We have a wide range of courses for 16-25 year olds including GCSEs, A Levels, BTECs, OCRs and NVQs covering both academic and vocational options. Subjects range from Maths, English, Sociology and Modern Foreign Languages to Complementary Therapies, Audio Media Production and Sport and Recreation. Many of our vocational courses are taught in real-life settings such as the Chapel Arts Centre, thePoint4 leisure centre and Office Services. This allows you to develop your skills through working with customers rather than sitting in a classroom.

Innovations at the College include Europe’s first VI CISCO Academy, delivering industry qualifications for entry level networking careers, and the world’s first VI Sports Academy, designed for everyone from grassroots to elite level.

We place as much importance on orientation, mobility and independent living skills as we do on qualifications. We understand that confidence in these areas is crucial to your future life. That’s why support in these areas, and in IT and assistive technology, are part of your timetable.

RNC also holds the DWP contract for delivering employment-ready training for people seeking work. Whether you want to retrain and develop new skills or simply need support with IT, we can help you into employment. Training and support in your hunt for work is available both at RNC and in your home area.

Our expert staff are also available to work with QTVIs, TAs, local authorities and other organisations to improve the services and support available to people with a visual impairment.

Arrange a visit to RNC and discover why Ofsted describes us as ‘Outstanding’ as a residential provider and ‘Good’ as a centre of learning and skills, and why people from all over the UK and overseas are choosing RNC to secure their future.

Sophie Corness
Venns Lane,
01432 376334
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