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The UltraCane company is based in Harrogate, UK and also has a manufacturing plant in Fife, Scotland where its award winning electronic mobility cane is manufactured and distributed worldwide.

The UltraCane is modelled on the traditional long white cane, but the difference is in the electronic handle which works be emitting ultrasonic waves to locate obstacles in the user’s vicinity and not just in their forward path, but head and chest height too. 

The UltraCane provides narrow-beam accurate navigation detection that allows a user to navigate their way around obstacles rather than just avoiding them.  It can detect the accurately the height, distance and location of an object, giving the user plenty of time to walk around it rather than into it.

The UltraCane gives tactile feedback to the user through two vibrating buttons on the handle.  The two buttons when vibrating indicate the direction of the obstacle and the frequency of the vibration lets the user know the proximity of the obstacle.

The ultrasonic sensor that detects obstacles in the user’s forward path starts detecting at 2 metres whilst the head/chest height sensor starts detecting at 1.6 metres from the handle.  This allows the user to walk safely around any object in their path but still allowing them to locate known landmarks to keep them on their route.

The UltraCane uses just two AA batteries and a choice of cane tip is available.

For more information contact us at:  www.ultracane.com  or email info@ultracane.com

Julie Davies
Web Site
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